Blog Archive

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

*Casus Circus* (Festival of Colour)

We wrote some 'tweets' about the Casus Circus performers that worked with us.  Tweets have to have between 100 and 140 characters...

They pushed us around to be stiff like raw spaghetti. When we did bunk beds we had to use our muscles. #whentheydiditlookedeasy#butnot#
Ruby and Saffron

We learnt to be super stiff with our tummy’s straight. We needed to know this for most of the acrobatic tricks.
#reallyfun #we learnt lots!!!
Will and Lukas
  We watched quietly as the circus performers did their surfboard act. We learned new tricks and how to balance on backs and bellies.
 Luke and Thomas B

We were told to be as stiff as a piece of raw spaghetti. We balanced on each other’s backs.
Caitlyn and India 

And then it was their turn...

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

* Easter Buns *

On Wednesday we made hot cross buns for Easter.  
  • We were in groups of four for the baking.  
  • We used a quarter of the actual mixture, which made 10 hot cross buns.